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2023 E-nationals Donations, Remembrances and Sponsorships

Sunday, Dec 31, 2023 (9:00 am - 9:01 am)

Payment Options:
Friends of Bill Mattison: by Card
Friends of Bill Mattison: by Check Later

Event Information


Greetings MYC’ers and supporters,


As many of you know, MYC will be celebrating the 100th birthday of the E-Scow by hosting the 2023 E-Scow National Regatta on Lake Mendota from September 5 to September 10, 2023. Our club’s goal is to get at least 100 boats on the starting line!


As part of the regatta, Kelsea Kierstead, the Sponsorship Manager, is creating a souvenir booklet to be given to each regatta registrant. The inside front cover of this booklet will be dedicated to the memory of Bill Mattison, a beloved Celestial Sailor and E-Scow’er extraordinaire.


For a $100 donation, you can join the Friends of Bill Mattison. Your name will be listed on the Friends of Bill Mattison page of the souvenir booklet, and you will receive a copy of the booklet.


The contributions to this Friends of Bill Mattison fund will be distributed as follows:

  • The first $1,500 will be used to pay for the inside Friends of Bill Mattison page of the souvenir booklet.
  • Amounts beyond $1,500 will be used to defray the costs of the regatta.

You can be a Friend of Bill Mattison by going to the MYC website at and donating $100. If you want to be recognized in the souvenir booklet, please donate by June 16, 2023.


Note: When you sign up, be sure to fill out the “Extra” box at the bottom of the form telling us how you want your name to appear in the souvenir booklet. If the donation is from both you and your spouse, be sure to write both of your names.

Registration Count

Registration Type Registrations Remaining
All Participants 47 953